Wednesday, October 30, 2013

School girl crush!

There was a big surprise at Maddie school Yesterday, a boy band called After Romeo came and preformed for her school! They were there for an anti bulling campaign. 

After the preformed they signed Autografs and hugged the girls and guys (maybe) Maddeline  had her arms sighned. She was so happy when I picked her up from school. She chatted all night about this special event. I really have to say it was darling to hear her gush. They are performing at the mall this weekend and she wants to go so badly:) She keeps sighing saying after Romeo is the best band ever. Believe it or not I am not sick of hearing about it. It really makes me smile thinking about my own preteen cute moments. The magic of this age when the world is perfect and I never excperanced real heart ache or disappointment. I love seeing it through my darughters eyes. I really wonder if after Romeo knows how special they made each of these girls feel yesterday. I'm sure they don't  but I want to thank them for giving  my daughter such a special moment. They may never be famous as one direction but they are rock stars in my eyes:)

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