Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow kindness.

Wednesday night it snowed and it snowed and it snowed. I was sure the School District was not going to call a snow day.
After picking the kids up at 830 Wednesday night from church Dale and I decided the Roads would not be safe in the morning and we called our own snow day. the kids were excited did they would not have school next day. They woke up the next morning with plans of how they were going to spend their day. As friends kept calling for play dates they realize the district  had called a snow day not just the wilderness family. We were blessed by some snow kindness from our next door neighbor he came over with his snow blower and plowed the sidewalks. A  friend from down the road and from church came over and help the boys shovel the foot of snow out of the driveway. We were so grateful for their help it was a nice suprise for Dale when he got home from work.

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