Monday, October 27, 2014

Nature in the city!

Yesterday we decided to go for a hike we stopes at this park in the city called Palmer  Park ( for locals it's on Mazeland off if Acaddamey) when you drive up there a ball park and a dog park. When you drive a little further you see these great rocks and trails . 

We started out in a trail and then adventured off trail to climb rocks. 

My kids loved climbing and exploring. 

 Dale and I

Maddie climbing the rock above me

Maddie kept asking me to take pictures of her this is my favorite.
MR. Stony and I. Last but not least my favorite picture of the day. 

I love this picture not only because it's a great shot but because I did not have to coax anyone to take it infact it was Dales idea. Honestly I could not have been more happy with this shot. 
I love my family and I love photographing our life.  This week I plan on taking lots if pictures we have lots of fun things going on with Halloween being Friday!
Now let's just hope I can come up with a costume for me:)

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