Friday, December 11, 2015

So here I go again!

It's been over a year since I blogged. I honestly thought I would be OK with never blogging again. Over the past few months I have really missed blogging especially when old blog post pop up on Facebook. I realize how much I miss blogging about my daily crazy silly life. I miss the creativity of blogging. When I blogged on a regular basis I was definitely more creative so that I could share the things that I made and did. Being creative is a big part of who I am weather its sewing ,crafting ,scrapbooking, designing show rooms, fashion ,decorating my home I love it all! When I'm doing these things I am in my element I am who Jennifer is. 

So much has happened in my life in the past year and I really wish I blogged  about it. So instead of wishing I'm going to start doing. So here I go again!



  1. I am so glad you are blogging again. I have been wondering how you are! I, too, have dropped off the blogging wagon, but am doing Instagram and ordering chat books too.

  2. I am so glad you are blogging again. I have been wondering how you are! I, too, have dropped off the blogging wagon, but am doing Instagram and ordering chat books too.

  3. It must be n the air as I have started blogging again also, missed the creativity just as you said!
