Saturday, March 30, 2013

It's all about Ben.

*This post will be Benny over kill Just a warning.*

Mr. Benny sick right before spring break we spent all day cuddling on the couch I loved every moment of the time we spent together. I miss him during the day.

Mr. Benny loves his computer time while he is on the computer he loves to rock out to the Beatles.

Ben had parent teacher conferences the before spring break I was fully expecting to hear he was young for his age and needed to be held back.
Instead I heard that Ben was advanced and that he is a delight to have in class, all his class mates love him . I also learned he was the class comedy act.
He is a funny boy and we love that part of him.

About a year a go we were in the car and Ben randomly asked mom can I grow a  mustache I said sure. I the hear him say yes i looked back and see him closing his eyes and holding his breath. I said what are you doing? He smiled and said growing a mustache. It was so cute.
Since then all he talks about is his mustache and how he is getting a few whiskers and how he cant wait to grow a full mustache.
He was bummed the other day when he saw that Garrett grew one before he did.

Mylissa made Benny a Jake hat from a cartoon he watches he is so in love with this hat he wears it all the time.

Mr. Ben received his Wolfe rank in scouts at the last pack meeting he was so excited.
He also received 11 belt-loops one gold arrow and 2 slivers.
We were so proud of him.
We sure do love our Benny boy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, that bit about the mustache is so funny! Kids say the funniest things ever, love it!
